Alaric Valentine

Name: Alaric Valentine
Birthday: August 26, 1989
Birthplace: Atlanta, GA
District: Downtown
Subdivision: Valleybrook Condos
Short Bio: Alaric is the product of many unstable realities being mixed together in one individual. At the age of five, his mother killed his father in front of him. She proceeded to go on a massacre, taking her baby boy with her so he could see. At the end of the day the massacre resulted in the deaths of 17 people, one of which being his mother. This would plant the seed within Alaric's head, the seed of destruction, chaos, and pain. However, the worsen his mental stability he was sent to live with his sociopath uncle. He hated his uncle more than anything and hated to return home because it would only be met with abuse. However it was not the pain of the abuse he hated, it was the control his uncle had over him. He made him fear something, and fear was not something Alaric could deal with. He excelled in school however, but even more so than that he excelled in martial arts. He could become a certified black belt in a martial arts style in a fraction of the time it took most people, maybe dealing with the pure knack for violence that he had. Yet despite all his skills, his uncle still had fear on his side and it was a very powerful thing. It wasn't until he was 16 years old that his mental stability completely deteriorated and he picked up a bat and used it as self defense against his uncle. He killed his uncle, however no criminal charges were brought up against him because it was ruled self defense from all the abuse. Besides, no one would testify to Alaric having a violent tendency. Maybe out of fear of retaliation, or maybe just because although he was quiet, and frightening, he had never been linked physically to an act of violence. He had been suspected of many, but had never been able to be linked to any. And because of this, his criminal record has always been completely spotless. No matter how dark he was, he simply couldn't be touched because he was always spotless. Free to push drugs as he pleased, dealing to anyone who has a need. Recently relocating from to Jekyll Island. He is foregoing school for the semester, and just getting a feel for the town. The greatest strength of an insane sociopath is to appear sane.

OOC Info

Mun Name: Chris
Screen name: Jekyll IslandRPG
Played By: Christian Bale
