Caleb Ainsworth

Character Name: Caleb Ainsworth
Birthday: October 28, 1989
Birthplace: Yorkshire, England
District: East District
Subdivision: Golden Isles University
Short Bio: Caleb Ainsworth didn't have the best of childhoods. Not to say that his parents were horrible...they certainly were not. Everything looks peachy...but on the inside, Caleb was the black sheep of the family and he knew it, even if nobody else did. A loner at heart, he got mixed up in the wrong crowds and found himself on the wrong side of the tracks in the midst of developing his talent in the underground DJ world. He hit rock bottom after a horrible addiction to cocaine and sought rehab only to find a new love in his life: Lila DeLaure. Determined to win the heart of his childhood friend, he cleaned up his act and found himself following her all over the United States in order to prove himself to her. Now married with a child on the way, he couldn't be happier.

OOC Info

Mun Name: Kris
Screen name: harukathebadass
Played By: Seann William Scott
