Christian Acheros

Name: Christian Acheros
Birthday: July 24, 1990
Birthplace: Jekyll Island, GA
District: West District
Subdivision: Acheros Family
Short Bio: Christian Acheros was born into the Acheros Family as the youngest son. Despite the family that surrounded him, his childhood was a normal one and highly privileged. Money was never an option, making it so that he could get whatever he wanted. He was born the youngest of all the children, though he was far from spoiled because of it. He learned how to fight early, beginning to study all forms of martial arts at a young age. In his teen years he began amateur MMA fighting, and began actively competing on his 18th birthday. He is very easy to anger, becoming very violent when he does get angry. His whole life revolves around control and power, so he is obsessed with both of them. He had left Jekyll Island to do a bit of adventuring. But unexpected pleasantries recently brought him back to the Island.

OOC Info

Mun Name: Chris
Screen name: Jekyll IslandRPG
Played By: Francesco Cura
