Name: Cori Costa
Birthday: December 31, 1990
Birthplace: Miami, Florida
District: East District
Subdivision: Golden Isles University
Facebook: Cori Costa
Short Bio: Cori grew up the youngest in a large puerto rican family . She had 5 older brothers who adored her. They raised her, and grew up very close. They all be came obsessed with cars at a young age. So naturally it was no joke when it came to street racing with them. Cori's brothers taught her everything they knew. From the engine to body kits and rims. They even taught her to race. All of her time was consumed with cars, working on them, going to races, and shows. Until one night where there was a big race her oldest brother was competing. The race ended in a devastating car crash with the police showed up. Her brother was rushed to the hospital in critical condition. Cori and the rest of her brothers got arrested. After bailing all of them out of jail. Her parents were furious. They offered her ultimatum the military or college in fear she'd end up like her brother or worse. Cori of course chose college knowing she could stir up some trouble where ever she went. Because let's face it, it wasn't fun being boring.
OOC Info
Mun Name: Noelle
Screen name: strickendisease
Played By: Raven Riley