Richard "Oz" Osbourne

Character Name: Richard "Oz" Osbourne
Birthday: September 23, 1988
Birthplace: Miami, FL
District: West District
Subdivision: Golden Isles University
Short Bio: This loveable crazy man was trouble from Day One. If he can blow something up, then by golly, he will. And that notorious yet adorable demeanor has caused this little rich boy to find himself going to college, despite his true desires to travel the world. First things first. Get a degree...THEN get a job that consists of constant international travels with lots of pay and little to no working. But until then, watch out for homemade explosives and not-made-for-tv type of stunts all over Jekyll Island!

OOC Info

Mun Name: Kris
Screen name: harukathebadass
Played By: Chris Evans
